Mere days after the filing deadline, the Republican gubernatorial race got nasty as Ken Blackwell released a devestating ad highlighting the many investigations swirling around Jim Petro.
Though the ad has a relatively small buy, it is creating a ton of buzz in Republican circles for its viciousness. Chair of the ORP Bob Bennett wasted no time in criticizing the ad, saying,
"a man who models himself after Ronald Reagan should have a little more respect for winning on ideas and vision. [Ken Blackwell] knows the accusations in these ads are politically motivated, and this kind of guttural politics doesn't win votes. If we can't win with substantive ideas for leading Ohio, we don't belong in the race."
Petro responded quickly, not with an attack ad of his own, but with a statement:
It is perfectly clear that Ken Blackwell has decided to run the ugliest and nastiest campaign possible. His scorched earth strategy is designed to distract voters from the truth about Ken Blackwell's dangerous and irresponsible policy proposals and his out of control spending record. But Ken Blackwell cannot hide from the truth.
Things are only going to get worse for these two.