HR 4437, also known as the Sensenbrenner-King bill, would provide for the construction of 700 miles of wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, make an estimated 12 million undocumented migrants felons (which includes 1.6 million children), and make all groups (be it church, social agencies or unions) that assist these undocumented migrants felons has passed the US House of Representatives.
The passage has stirred up a diverse mix of social justice groups, religious organizations, and Latino community groups.
Recently Cardinal Roger Mahoney of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles spoke out against the bill, telling his parishioners he would call on them to commit civil disobedience if HR 4437 passes.
La Prensa, Ohio and Michigan's oldest and largest Latino weekly has devoted extensive coverage to the issue, and will be covering a large rally to be held in Columbus on Sunday to protest and to draw attention to the bill.
The paper called on readers to vote against Steve Chabot, Jean Schmidt, Paul Gilmore, Steven LaTourette, Deborah Pryce, Ralph Regula and Bob Ney because they voted in favor of the bill.
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