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September 19, 2006



I missed the comments on 610 WTVN, but hope that they wait until after the OSU vs Penn State game.


naked marijuana smoking? maybe i should start hanging out where the republicans party!

Payday Loan Advocate

Although Ohio Governor Ted Strickland opposes the payday loan and cash advance industries, he is now fighting in favor of a new special interest group: Ohio’s community of gamblers. A bill that took effect in August 1, 2008 that would add Keno to the state’s lottery games is being contested on the November 4 state ballot. Strickland claims this bill is a valiant effort to raise money for Ohio’s public schools. Governor Strickland, also an ordained Methodist minister, has been taking the heat from people from all walks of life, including his congregation. In defense, Strickland maintains that although he opposes the expansion of gaming, this bill is best for the common good of the children. Part of the bill would amend the Ohio state constitution, and in turn authorize the construction of a $600 million casino near Dayton. Desperate times call for desperate measures, and it should be obvious that Ohio’s economy is desperate for funding. Essentially, Strickland is encouraging the citizens of Ohio to go out and gamble away their rent or mortgage payments for the sake of their children’s futures. However, if the citizens find themselves short on the funds they saved to buy their children clothes and supplies, Strickland disapproves of receiving short-term help from a payday lender. Strickland is a walking, talking contradiction.

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